ALL NEW DOPO X is a completely redesigned special ski for double-poling experts and long-distance racers. A low yet stiff pocket ensures optimal contact angle with the track, giving exceptional gliding and ski ability, especially when your skis are flat in the track, and your weight is distributed 50/50. Combined with the FIS-approved Fluor-Free Nano High-Speed base material, the DOPO X are the fastest gliding skis from the Peltonen line-up. They come in a one-length-fits-all format with two profiles: Universal for soft to medium tracks and Hard Track for hard-packed or icy tracks. Matching ski stiffness to your weight is critical to getting the most out of double-polling skis. Contact us today to get your custom-selected DOPO X`s!

Affordable skis for pros-Peltonen DOPO X Double Pole Skis