The Supra X is Peltonen`s Elite-level Skate ski! Available in 3 different condition types, the WSB is for wet snow, dirty snow, or also, counter-intuitively, very cold snow conditions. These skis come with special extra-hard, red-coloured ski bases that are resistant to dirt pick-up and excel in very abrasive snow: be it icy or very cold. The profile can be custom-selected to work well in either very wet snow, or very cold snow. These skis are built to give you the most stable, easy-to-control, and fastest gliding race skis so you can focus on getting to the finish line as fast as possible. The NOMEX Honeycomb Core construction makes these skis exceptionally lightweight, XXT ExtraLight CARBON Tip and Tail make the skis feel snappy and alive, & the Nano High-Speed Wet base material (NHSW) shows up best at high speeds. If you are looking for the best wet snow skate skis, the Supra X WSB can be custom selected to fit your height, weight, skill level, and desired snow condition. Contact us today and we will find the best matched ski for you and your skill level!

Top skis for long descents-Peltonen SUPRA X WET TRACK Skate Skis CLEARANCE